About Me

I have studied the Master of Science in Media Technology and Engineering (MT) program in Norrköping during 2012-2017. Currently I work for HiQ Ace in Norrköping as a consultant. I have worked at Ericsson R&D department since my first week at HiQ


I am interested in real-time computer graphics, visualization, app development, system development and much more. I consider code quality to be an important part of any programming development process. In my spare time I like to work with computer graphics and new interesting ways to solve problems. Currently I am working on a fluid simulator in Rust.


I publish most of my projects at Github. If you are interested you may also take a look at the projects section on this site for a quick summary of the projects I have worked with during the years.

Master Thesis

My master thesis discussed methods of rendering different kinds of data representations together. A detailed report of my work can be found here