As part of my bachelors degree I worked in a group of five students to develop a space game for the dome-theater in Norrköping Visualization Centre. The project included controls through the players mobile phones. A group of three players connect to a game together, where each one is assigned a specific role to handle the spaceship (pilot, gunner and engineer).
We wanted to use a 3D engine to make the game, and at first we wanted to use Unity, but when we realised we needed the paid version to get access to web-sockets we decided to use OpenSceneGraph instead.
The Game uses OpenSceneGraph for graphics, SGCT (short for Simple Graphics Cluster Toolkit) to render our game on the six dome projectors and SmartFoxServer to set up a connection between the controllers and the game. The controller interface was made using HTML.
Related Terms:
OpenSceneGraph - C++ - Agile Software Development -